Lindsey McCullough
Name: Lindsey McCullough
Where did you go to cosmetology school:
How many years have you been behind the chair: 5
What are your specialties?
I really love to cut. Personalizing haircuts just makes such a huge difference. It’s exciting to watch shapes transform into styles.
How/When did you know being a hairstylist was your destiny?
Uhm, freakin Barbies, duh, My Little Ponies, and Ariel. At first my interest were intrigued by the really dramatic, eclectic styles. So as a child the bright colors and unique shapes really captivated me. Other things like Cult Classic Movies such as Grease, Pulp Fiction, anything with Marilyn Monroe, The Sixth Sense hair AWESOME hair! The Rocky Horror Picture show has definitely influenced me.
Where do you find your creative inspiration as a stylist?
Probably just mainly my mood. My mood is more often than not influenced by the music I’m listening to. Or the atmosphere I’m around or the company I’m in. I keep really good company, might I add. On Wednesdays,we wear black...
Who is your mentor or inspiration in the industry?
Catarina Nikko, for sure. She started cutting my hair when I was about 12. She worked at Toni&Guy at the time. It just turned into one of my favorite places.
Describe yourself in three words:
Loyal, Free-Spirited, Adventure Seeker!
What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?
I would love to go to Madrid, Spain. I would just love to watch a Realmadrid soccer game. Probably go live on a beach for the rest of my life and braid mermaid hair.
Tell me something quirky about yourself that most people don’t know.
If you were an animal what would you be and why?
A jaguar. Or a lioness.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I’m a vegetarian so, I’m pretty limited. I went to Mexico City up into the mountains into a little village. Met this 100 year old fella and they gave us their delacy. Which was boiled goat head. So I had goats tongue and goats cheek. I didn’t go with the brain or eyeballs.
What’s your “Life Motto”
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein