October Update!
Things are movin' and shakin' here at Panther City Salon! We almost have our first month of business under our belt and we're excited to venture on! Since October 1st, we've had a lot of things happen.
First things first, on the homepage of our website, you can locate our latest Instagram posts! You should support your favorite Fort Worth Stylists and follow us! IG: PantherCitySalon
One of our very own, Joelle Massie & Patrick Sullivan tied the knot! Congratulations! We're are just overjoyed for you two. We're so blessed to get to see your love grow!! Joelle, you are one babe of a bride!
The week before last, I cut John Newsome with the Casey Donahew Band's hair. He and his girlfriend Jordan have been friends of mine for some time! I've been cutting Johns hair for about the last year. Jacky, one of our stylists, got a little star struck! Don't worry, she got her photo with our Local Celebrity.
We were excited to be on the block during ArtsGoggle. We had a great time down here! Our artist was Trayci Burnett with Gypsythis. It was so nice to have an artist in the salon that just "fit". We really adored her art; some of us even bought some! Jacky, the stylist I mentioned earlier, brought authentic Mexican food in for the day! Needless to say, we were happy little ladies! We also did our fair share of promoting during the evening. If you met us out, we weren't kidding when we said come by! The invite still stands!
It's Halloween!
Lets get weird!
If you're wanting to spice up for Halloween Costume this year, you need to check out what we've got brewin'! Whether you're wanting a fun Halloween color, a funky style, a sassy blow out, and even MAKE UP, we gotcha! It's one of our most favorite times of the year! We can surely give your costume just that little bit of a professionals touch.
Color by Taylor Norrid
Style & Make Up by Chelsea Bonham
Color/Style by Heather Lankford. Make Up by Sarah Alvarado.
What a perfect SEA-CREATURE!
All Models Styled by Kari Kalvig.
Blow Out & Make Up by Magan Mckittrick